Sunday, August 19, 2007

Be Encouraged

Listen, no one knows better than I how discouragement can creep up on you and squeeze the life out of your dreams. But if the Author of dreams has planted one in your heart, then don't give up because of temporary circumstances. Like they say, "Writers don't fail, they quit."

Today I received two emails in my inbox that each had such a cool quote, I felt that I just had to share them.

This is a quote from Jodi Piccoult, who is one of today's most successful authors:"The writers who succeed are the ones who refuse to buckle under the failures that are heaped upon them; who reject the notion that they aren't as mediocre as industry professionals say they are."

This quote was on a church sign:
"Persevere. Even the snails made it to the ark."

Hang in there, friends.


Jenny said...

Thanks! I needed that today.

tonya said...

You are a great encourager! Thanks

Jan Parrish said...

I am encouraged. You are a great example. So glad we are buddies.

D. Gudger said...

This is getting creepy - I've been living in deep discouragement and disillusionment over many busted dreams. I've been wondering why I'm even bothering to write as everything is rejected.

Everywhere I go, words of encouragement are spoken, and even Writer's Digest is full of those "don't quit, perservere" quotes.

Thanks Megan. I guess I can't hide from God's messages.