Saturday, December 15, 2007

Where Did The Week Go?

I can barely grasp the day before it evaporates. And now it’s Saturday night. The week’s gone. Not that it’s a bad thing. I’ve had a glorious week.

I’ve gotten a lot written on my wip. I actually made myself laugh and cry this week.

I had a great week at work with some wonderful, energetic, creative women. We laugh and work and laugh and plan and laugh and create beautiful marketing pieces. I think, for a writer, I’ve got the coolest job ever.

On Wednesday I had dinner with my peeps. Jan, Tonya, Sharen and Heather. We laughed, cried, ate and prayed. Oh, boy, did we pray. I hope you have wonderful friends to pray with. It can change your world.

That's a photo of Heather and Jan laughing. We met for coffee before dinner.

Then they settled down and let me take a nice photo.

The weekend has also been jam packed with amazing, sweet, uneventful family time.

Oh, and it snowed in Colorado. Beautiful, fluffy, sparkly snow.

I hope you had a blessed week too.


Jan Parrish said...

What a nice uplifting post.:)

God did a cool thing when he forged our friendship. What a gift to have friends like you all to pray with.

Heather said...

It feel like everything at Christmas time is worthy of grasping, of delighting in.
If only I could learn to do that the rest of the year.

Heather Diane Tipton said...

that night was awesome!

tonya said...

It was a wonderful night! Friends are one of God's gifts to us.
Love ya!