Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Book Recommendations with a dose of encouragement

I've been a bit remiss lately in sharing some titles that I've loved. 

Today I want to tell you about two non-fiction books that have moved me. Yes, occasionally I read books other than novels. I don't read much non-fiction books, so when I pick one up, finish it, and recommend it, you know it's good. 

Renewed: Finding Your Inner Happy in an Overwhelmed World by Lucille Zimmerman has the distinction of being the only book that I've ever bought multiple (lots!) copies of and handed out to women in my life.  

This book is a wake-up call to women to remind them to carve out space for themselves. Renewed encourages you to care for yourself. It's a how-to on how to live happily amid the stresses of everyday life. READ IT. It's like a spring breeze after a frosty winter. It will wake you up and help you to appreciate the little things in life that contribute to your peace and satisfaction. 

Another book that blessed me is Secrets to a Happy Life by Bill Giovannetti. This book illustrates how God is working in your favor, how to move past negative emotions that ensnare your thoughts, and how to choose to be happy. Secrets to a Happy Life uses examples from the life of the OT Joseph, and boy did he have some difficult circumstances to live through. 

I found the stories told and lessons explained in this book to be so relatable. Bill's writing made me stop, think, and pray about thoughts concerning past events that floated on the periphery of my consciousness, often dragging me down when I least expected it. 

Over a decade ago, I endured a huge ache in my life that I'm still recovering from. Reading this book was another piece in the puzzle to refining my response to that life-changing event. 

The chapters are divided into 11 secrets to happiness--all issues that impact everyone. The secrets contain beautiful, profound, and affirming words. We aren't promised a perfect life, but this book shows us that we can choose a happy life. 

Both of these books are keepers. They'll live on my bookshelf for those days when I need a bit of wisdom to pick me up and keep me going.  

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