Sunday, April 27, 2008
Cool Review

2008 Colorado ACFW Writer’s Retreat
We met at Camp Eden in the beautiful foothills of the Rocky Mountains. The wind was whipping and the snow was flying, but I was warmed by the friendships of 19 talented, God-loving writers and the huge fireplace in our meeting area.
The event was led by Paula Moldenhauer who took us deep into God’s word and purposes and challenges and encouragements. The topic of the retreat was Courage to Pursue Your Writing Dreams.
Of course, I was fortunate enough to get the private suite. :) I advocate always carrying a tablecloth in your car. You never know when you’ll need it. I use mine when I eat lunch on the concrete picnic table outside the office building where I go to my day job. It also comes in handy when you’re eating outside at a casual café or coffee shop. (Yes, I know I spoil myself—but my friends also enjoy the luxury of my tablecloth when they join me.)
These are the views from the meeting room:
I can never get over the thrill of driving on mountain roads. See that? No guard rail. You don't want to slip off this road! These trees are taller than they appear. The base of the trunks are several feet below the surface of the road.
Friday, April 25, 2008
Sentimental . . .

I wish I could say that was the first and last time my husband rolled his eyes at me.
SFS on the Internet & Book Giveaway!
Recently I’ve been hosted on these sites:
Sormag--coming April 29th
Edgy Inspirational Author
Musings on This, That and the Other Thing
Amber Miller
Revved Up For Jesus
Double Booked
A Christian Writer's World
One Step Closer
And currently two blogs are also doing book giveaways! Hop over and check out A Christian Romance Writer's Journey “Authors-helping-writers-interview and Net's Notes for a chance to win Searching for Spice.
A Mountain Top Experience in the Foothills
Don’t be misled by the term foothills, we’ll be at an elevation of 8,000 feet. I was so looking forward to meeting God on a greening hillside of the Rockies, but according to weather forecasts, we should expect SNOW!
Please pray that the Lord moves among the writers gathered and refreshes and renews them to continue to write God-inspired words.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Radio Interview 105.7 FM, Albany, NY
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Words For The Journey
This is a photo of our meeting today. You can see that we start them out early at WFTJ. See the hard-working young lady on the bottom right and the adorable little fellow at the top right? Also in the bottom right corner is little Brooke, our newest author-in-training, attending her first meeting at the tender age of two weeks.
Today Sharen passed the baton because she’ll be returning to Texas in a few months. The new director of the WFTJ RMR is Michele Cushatt. This decision was a result of prayer. Michele is truly God’s choice to guide this group through a new season. Michele is an experienced leader. She’s written and taught Bible studies, and she teaches the art of public speaking. She’s an accomplished non-fiction writer and has published articles in Today’s Christian Woman and Hearts at Home. I’m also proud to announce she’s coming out of the closet and admitting that she dabbles in fiction. Write on!
This is a photo of Sharen passing the flower pot (you didn’t think we really use a baton, did you?) to Michele. I’m honored to continue as assistant director of the group. And if you’re wondering? No—I didn’t want to assume the directorship. I thrive at being the second banana instead of the big cheese, and I know Michele is going to be very Gouda at being the big cheese. (Sorry, couldn’t resist that one.)
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed
I went to see this movie today, and I highly recommend seeing it. It's a sad commentary on the "authorities" in our society. The "leaders" of the scientific community are very arrogant. They think they're so right, so intelligent--when really, they're just common bigots.
Friday, April 18, 2008
I. Just. Want. To. Write!!!

I completed and edited book # 2 (Out of Her Hands) in my Tyndale contract and planned and executed my book launch party. (Sorry to mention that again, I’m sure you’re all sick of hearing about it.)
My houseful of relatives emptied on Tuesday, and I went back to my day job. Yesterday I realized I was experiencing the first day I didn’t feel stressed or rushed about what needs to be done and what I could possibly be forgetting to do. That’s been my reality for months. You only have one shot at being a debut novelist, and I truly want to do it right.
And now the sun is shining, the sky is Colorado-blue and I can’t wait to get back to story #3. I felt the urge to dive into writing last night, but practicality overrode impulse, and I allowed myself to get the most hours of sleep I’ve had in over two weeks.
But now I’ve gotta go. . .
I. Just. Want. To. Write!!!
Monday, April 14, 2008
More party photos
Author Buzz

Sunday, April 13, 2008
But wait, it gets better. After I walked out of the Religious Fiction aisle, I saw this . . .
Friday, April 11, 2008
More Launch Party Photos

Heather and Michele.

My darling daughters.
Alice, Tiff, me, Jan, Heather, Stacy.
Kim, me and Keri share a laugh with my dear father-in-law.
The snow storm halted, and the clouds parted to reveal the beautiful Rocky Mountains resplendent with a new coat of dazzling white snow.

The evening couldn’t have been more perfect. I was surrounded by family (even four of my beloved DiMarias who flew in from NY), friends and member of the Colorado writing community.

The photos are the one’s my friend Jan from Bold & Free sent to me. I love the one with the setting sun reflecting on her face. That’s so Jan!