Sunday, April 27, 2008

Cool Review

I was thrilled to see Searching for Spice on the Faithful Reader site.

Go here to enter their contest to win a copy of the book.

Here are excerpts from the review they gave Searching for Spice:

Can Christian marriage in mid-life have (gasp!) passion? In SEARCHING FOR SPICE, Megan DiMaria’s debut novel, a middle-aged mother longs for a hot romance with…her husband. As the story unfolds, readers are invited to think deeply about what a true “passionate” relationship might be. Hint: It’s not just candles, lingerie and public smooches.

Readers may feel a jolt when the lighthearted first half of the novel takes a darker turn in the second --- a surprise for readers who presumed it was lightweight mom-lit. When teen daughter Emma makes a tragic mistake, it impacts Linda and Jerry’s relationship --- and threatens to change the family’s lives forever. How will their marriage fare under this kind of stress? DiMaria shows the tension that occurs between spouses trying to keep it all together under difficult circumstances. Jerry, who looked a little clueless in the first half, becomes the strong support spouse in the second.

I appreciated some of the plot twists, especially the diabolical Carol’s role in Linda’s life in the closing pages. Any parent of a teen will identify with the chaos one bad decision can bring and sympathize with Linda’s family’s plight. The ending is satisfying and redemptive.

DiMaria drives home her point in an enjoyable way: the value of a spouse who stands by his family during the rocky times as well as the easy moments, and whose steady faith and solid parenting mean more than glittering jewelry or lavish gestures. Food for thought the next time you finish a Harlequin romance and wonder what might have been.

Go here to view the entire review.

2008 Colorado ACFW Writer’s Retreat

It’s amazing how much you can squeeze into 24 hours! The Colorado ACFW writer’s retreat was wonderful. It was fun to have so many ACFW members together in one place.

We met at Camp Eden in the beautiful foothills of the Rocky Mountains. The wind was whipping and the snow was flying, but I was warmed by the friendships of 19 talented, God-loving writers and the huge fireplace in our meeting area.

The event was led by Paula Moldenhauer who took us deep into God’s word and purposes and challenges and encouragements. The topic of the retreat was Courage to Pursue Your Writing Dreams.

A part of the retreat I loved most was the beautiful prayers that Paula penned for us to share at the beginning of each part of the workshop. They were tender, God-inspired prayers, and I’ll tuck them away for future blessings.

Kim Woodhouse is at the keyboard. She provided our worship music.

The accommodations were clean and the food was good. However, I haven’t stayed in a dormitory-style room since 4-H Camp, many, many years ago! This is the room I shared with several other women. Can you believe that none of us were snorers?

Of course, I was fortunate enough to get the private suite. :) I advocate always carrying a tablecloth in your car. You never know when you’ll need it. I use mine when I eat lunch on the concrete picnic table outside the office building where I go to my day job. It also comes in handy when you’re eating outside at a casual café or coffee shop. (Yes, I know I spoil myself—but my friends also enjoy the luxury of my tablecloth when they join me.)

This is the view from the bunkhouse deck. Isn't it beautiful?

We had some fun and played some games. This is a photo of Stuart and Tiff Stockton giving away prizes. He's really got that Vanna-pose down, doesn't he? BTW, the retreat hosted 19 women and one man. Stuart’s a good guy to enjoy the company of 19 women for 24+ hours.

These are the views from the meeting room:

I can never get over the thrill of driving on mountain roads. See that? No guard rail. You don't want to slip off this road! These trees are taller than they appear. The base of the trunks are several feet below the surface of the road.

Some of the roads are even scarier. I put the car in "park" to take this photo. :)

Friday, April 25, 2008

Sentimental . . .

I just got an email from a friend who listened to my interview on the Chuck and Kelly Show (it's available on the upper left side of the blog), and I got in a sentimental mood and went in search of some old photos.

This is a photo of Chuck and Kelly at my wedding. Kelly's gift to us was to DJ our reception. It was quite the hip thing to do in 1979!

On the left is another radio friend, Dave Schreiber, Chuck, Kelly, my friend Debbie, another radio guy--Don Brooks, and my girlfriend Doreen and her husband Andy.

This is me and my darling bridegroom. I was joking about his garter. LOL. My mother was horrified because I didn't have my veil on. Carl and I liked to have fun together--still do, thank God!

I wish I could say that was the first and last time my husband rolled his eyes at me.

SFS on the Internet & Book Giveaway!

I had the pleasure of being interviewed on a few radio stations. The most fun, though, was with my old friend from my radio days, Chuck Taylor. He's posted the interview on Buzz and on the site he has with his morning-show partner, Kelly Stevens, at The Chuck and Kelly Show.

I’ve been so fortunate to have been hosted on so many blogs and to have received the great coverage that I’ve gotten.

Recently I’ve been hosted on these sites:
Sormag--coming April 29th
Edgy Inspirational Author
Musings on This, That and the Other Thing
Amber Miller
Revved Up For Jesus
Double Booked
A Christian Writer's World
One Step Closer

And currently two blogs are also doing book giveaways! Hop over and check out A Christian Romance Writer's Journey “Authors-helping-writers-interview and Net's Notes for a chance to win Searching for Spice.

A Mountain Top Experience in the Foothills

That’s what I’m hoping for this weekend. I’ll be joining the Colorado ACFW (American Christian Fiction Writers) on their first writer’s retreat in the beautiful foothills of the Rocky Mountains.

Don’t be misled by the term foothills, we’ll be at an elevation of 8,000 feet. I was so looking forward to meeting God on a greening hillside of the Rockies, but according to weather forecasts, we should expect SNOW!

Please pray that the Lord moves among the writers gathered and refreshes and renews them to continue to write God-inspired words.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Radio Interview 105.7 FM, Albany, NY

An old friend friend of mine, Chuck Taylor, who is a morning air personality in Albany, NY was kind enough to host me on his morning radio show. It was a delight to speak with him again after so many years.

Thank God for friends who endure through the years. BYW, his voice sounds exactly as it was 30 years ago!

The interview is short, less than four minutes.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Words For The Journey

Words For The Journey Christian Writers Guild, Rocky Mountain Region held its first meeting in January 2006. Sharen Watson, who founded WFTJ in Texas, has led the organization with devotion, love and purpose. Under her guidance, many local writers found their voice, spread their wings, accumulated rejections/redirections and garnered writing credits. She’s taught, encouraged, prayed, and rejoiced with local writers. Sharen’s made a difference in many lives.

This is a photo of our meeting today. You can see that we start them out early at WFTJ. See the hard-working young lady on the bottom right and the adorable little fellow at the top right? Also in the bottom right corner is little Brooke, our newest author-in-training, attending her first meeting at the tender age of two weeks.

Today Sharen passed the baton because she’ll be returning to Texas in a few months. The new director of the WFTJ RMR is Michele Cushatt. This decision was a result of prayer. Michele is truly God’s choice to guide this group through a new season. Michele is an experienced leader. She’s written and taught Bible studies, and she teaches the art of public speaking. She’s an accomplished non-fiction writer and has published articles in Today’s Christian Woman and Hearts at Home. I’m also proud to announce she’s coming out of the closet and admitting that she dabbles in fiction. Write on!

This is a photo of Sharen passing the flower pot (you didn’t think we really use a baton, did you?) to Michele. I’m honored to continue as assistant director of the group. And if you’re wondering? No—I didn’t want to assume the directorship. I thrive at being the second banana instead of the big cheese, and I know Michele is going to be very Gouda at being the big cheese. (Sorry, couldn’t resist that one.)

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed

I went to see this movie today, and I highly recommend seeing it. It's a sad commentary on the "authorities" in our society. The "leaders" of the scientific community are very arrogant. They think they're so right, so intelligent--when really, they're just common bigots.

Friday, April 18, 2008

I. Just. Want. To. Write!!!

To say I’ve been busy lately is to put it mildly. Not that I’m complaining, mind you. It’s been the best, most long-awaited busyness one could dream of.

I completed and edited book # 2 (Out of Her Hands) in my Tyndale contract and planned and executed my book launch party. (Sorry to mention that again, I’m sure you’re all sick of hearing about it.)

My houseful of relatives emptied on Tuesday, and I went back to my day job. Yesterday I realized I was experiencing the first day I didn’t feel stressed or rushed about what needs to be done and what I could possibly be forgetting to do. That’s been my reality for months. You only have one shot at being a debut novelist, and I truly want to do it right.

And now the sun is shining, the sky is Colorado-blue and I can’t wait to get back to story #3. I felt the urge to dive into writing last night, but practicality overrode impulse, and I allowed myself to get the most hours of sleep I’ve had in over two weeks.

But now I’ve gotta go. . .

I. Just. Want. To. Write!!!

Monday, April 14, 2008

More party photos

My friend Jan posted a slide show of photos from the launch party. Click here: Bold & Free to check it out.

Author Buzz

Wow! I'm featured this week on Author Buzz. Check it out. You can enter to win an autographed copy of Searching for Spice and a romance-inspiring scented candle.

Romantic Times ~ Mother's Day Article

I was featured in an article in the May 2008 edition of Romantic Times Book Reviews. If you click on the article, it will open large enough to read.

Sunday, April 13, 2008


The thrill continues. Tonight I visited my local Barnes & Noble store to see if my book was on the shelf. It is.

But wait, it gets better. After I walked out of the Religious Fiction aisle, I saw this . . .

Friday, April 11, 2008

More Launch Party Photos

Here are some more photos of my launch party.

A poster of the book cover greeted guests.

Eric & Beth Jusino (my agent from Alive Communications), Auna Louisa Jornayvaz (Junior Editor, Denver Magazine) and me.

Heather and Michele.

My darling daughters.

A view of Denver at night.

This is a photo of me autographing a copy for the editor and publisher of Buzz in the 'burbs Magazine. In the photo are Lisa Brady and Cheryl Perri. The party was on two levels, this is the one below the observation deck. The gold glow behind Cheryl is the lighted clock face. Isn't that cool?

I was happy to see my friends from work show up. This photo makes me laugh because I was telling my boss that I nearly poured a glass of wine on her head and also because she has three hands in the photo.

My agent extraordinaire, Beth Jusino, with me and Carl.

Alice, Tiff, me, Jan, Heather, Stacy.

Me, Beth, Eric, Sharen, Jan.

Jerry & Paula.

Kim, me and Keri share a laugh with my dear father-in-law.

More people I love.


It was totally fitting that I partied the night away up in the sky with my family and friends to celebrate my book/career launch.

The snow storm halted, and the clouds parted to reveal the beautiful Rocky Mountains resplendent with a new coat of dazzling white snow.

The evening couldn’t have been more perfect. I was surrounded by family (even four of my beloved DiMarias who flew in from NY), friends and member of the Colorado writing community.
Most of my guests took advantage of the location and were brave enough to climb up and up to pop out beneath the bell of the clock tower where the party was held.

The photos are the one’s my friend Jan from Bold & Free sent to me. I love the one with the setting sun reflecting on her face. That’s so Jan!

I'll post more photos a little later, and actually include one of me!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Book Launch Party Day

Have I mentioned that I've dreamed of being a published novelist since I was a teen? Have I told you how gracious God is to grant me this dream? Have I told you that because this is a dream my family knows I've had for decades, we decided to kick up our heels and REALLY celebrate?

The book/career launch party is being held in one of the coolest venues in Denver--the D&F Tower. Yesterday we went downtown to decorate and prepare.

This is the weather that greeted us this morning.

This is one of the tables that is all ready for the party.

This is what I dreamed the day would look like.
It's okay, though. The Lord's reminded me that I was married in a blizzard, and that's turned out wonderfully. :)