Thursday, May 24, 2012

Who Loves Books?

Me! Me, I do!!

Since I can remember, I love books. I love the feel of them. I love the smell of them. I love their weight in my hands.

I love the worlds I've explored in books. I love to read about people whose lives are totally different than mine. I love to read about people with issues and ideas different than mine.

I love to read historical fiction and travel through time to experience events I've learned about in history class. I love to read books that deal with day-to-day life at a time before electricity was invented and a time before the Revolutionary War and a time before Columbus sailed the ocean blue and a time when Bible characters walked the earth.

I love to read books that let me sample different careers like fashion, banking, being an astronaut, working in a funeral parlor, being a teacher, running a bait shop, being a maid, and owning a publishing empire.

And because of my love of books, I love to write books. I dream of readers joining me on a journey with my characters and learning about the character -- and perhaps learning something about themselves.

What about you? What do you love about books?


Anonymous said...

Ditto all the reasons you mentioned, Megan. And the desire to hold a book, bend page corners, highlight, turn a few pages back and re-read all draw me to the solid rather than e-books; though I have developed some appreciation for those as well.

Additionally--I LOVE being drawn into another world. For many years I worked daily with trauma victims. I relished slipping into some less horrific world for a few minutes every evening.

And I like sharing the journey with you and our other voice-hearers! Blessings to you.

Mary Kay

Megan DiMaria said...

Thanks, Mary Kay. You GET IT!