Monday, August 21, 2006

Still Climbing

Okay, not a mountain—but it’s a challenge none-the-less. I’m pushing hard to finish my novel, wanting to get over that 80,000 word hump. Over the weekend I went backward on my word count. Yowsa. A writing buddy told me not to panic because I was making the story better.

That’s the idea I’m pinning my hopes on. I’m looking forward to reaching my goal and looking back at this journey I’ve taken. And soon, very soon I’ll finish with this story and go on to the next one that’s just itching to pop out of my head. I can hear my next characters’ voices and feel their desperation at being stuck in impossible situations.

Oh, I can hardly wait!

Happy writing, friends.

1 comment:

Paula said...

I'm so proud of you! I can't wait to read it when it's done.