I sent invitations everywhere I could think:
- bookstores
- newspapers
- magazines
- local authors, agents, and editors
- radio and television stations
- libraries
- churches
- I even sent an invitation to the mayor of Denver. We're a very literate city, and although he didn't make it, I was flattered that it was under consideration by his office.
The image above is the front and back of the invitation. See the tower on the invitation? That's the D&F Tower. The party was held on the floor behind the clock face and the floors above. Like my bookmarks, I also carried around a handful of invitations in case I ran into someone I wanted to invite.
A word about your book launch party: the reason for the event is not to celebrate with friends and family, as much fun as that is. The reason is to generate publicity for your book.
I live in suburban Denver, and I could have found a nice venue in which to hold my party. Fortunately a friend offered me the use of the top floors of the D&F Tower, an historic building on the 16th Street Mall in downtown Denver.
The reason for using a fabulous venue is to lure people to the party who might have declined the invitation had it been held in my local rec center. Mission accomplished! Three different editors of local magazines came to the party as well as book store employees who received the invitation.
Another consideration was the day and time of the party. I held it on a Thursday evening because professionals who are not acquainted with me (editors, bookstore employees, etc.) might be more likely to attend a function on an evening that doesn't cut into their family time. That's why the party started at 6:00 p.m. as well.
If you're curious and want to see more posts about my book launch party go here. The night was perfect and ended all to quickly. Sigh.
Currently I'm planning my book launch party for Out of Her Hands. It's going to be a very different type of party. I'm doing a charity tie-in to help increase awareness of my books. I'll let you know about it in a little while.
1 comment:
And what a wonderful party! It was the event of the year so far.
But, it will be bumped when my grand daughter Kamy is born. :)
- Gramma Jan
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